In my own words heya peeps theres not alot to say really apart from im mad n crazy!! i love spending time wiv ma m8s n being in a permanent hype :) I love spending time with ma best m8 sammy she crack me up mwwah luv ya I hate 2 faced people liars and people dat r stirrers dey are all saddos and need to geta life!!! <3 i love ma boi 4 life he knows who he is mwwah <3 love going out at da weekendz clubbin spesh pay day weekend its phat!!! <3 love ma lil bro matt his a legend <3 im a big footie fan!! West ham till i die!! so if yaz a hammers fan msg me now :P hehe
My Mum Says... WATCH WHAT YOU UP TO!!!! oh my god its so annoying im twenty now not 10 lol :)