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Fun lovin criminal !!!
Name: Dawn
Details: 47 years old (Aquarius), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Bolton, Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/indie-rocknroll
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In my own words

I am a down to earth girl who has a fantastic family, great friends, always up for a laugh, I love music and love music festivals, especailly V Festival, I can be a little bit scatty, from time to time but no bimbo, My hero's are John Lennon, John peele, Bill Hicks, Howard Marks. Love music, Don't get my started on music, any free time, love getting lost in my thoughts to fantastic music.
Blog 3 posts | view all
The Festival season, so looking forward to this ye
Very happy over the announcements already for V Festival 08, Cant wait to get there, get my tent all set up (I don't slum it, got my proffesional camping unit all at the ready), open a nice bottle of Bucks Fizz and then have a walk around the Arena, taking it steady on the Friday in time for the Indie Disco on the Friday night, 20 of my closest friends and family in one huge tent listening to the best music ever recorded, walk back to the tens and party all night.
My Pet Hate...

ignorant fools, chavs, plastic gangsters, jogging bottoms tucked into socks, big gold earings, the marijuana motif/logo, work shy fops, people who say the words, proper, innit, wateva, phat (that ride is proper fat innit), what is wrong with I like your car??? I like to think that I am not a snob, definatly not materialistic, women spending thousands on hand bags should be shot, there are children in this country in poverty and people spent £1k or more on a hand bag, ge
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Comments 5 of 5 | post a comment | view all
xautumn_ashesx wrote...  
hey there =] how are things? been up to anything uber fun? - i no its not the most original of messages but if yew fancy a chat give me a poke =] hehe peace <3xx
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djrinse wrote...  
hi how r u did u have a good day u r stunning by the way do u have msn so we can chat u seem real nice would like to get to know u
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robnick wrote...  
Marks out of ten??....I'd love to give you one!!....lol....x
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shonuk wrote...  
hiya you look amazing how you doing today hope u ok anyway nice to see your profile its preety gud and would love to hear frm you leaving my msn here for you hope see you soon there [email protected]
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dwylie wrote...  
sexy lady xx
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Photos of me
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July 07
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Favorite Things

Egg & Chips

Arcade Fire, Joy Division, Stone Roses, Pixies,

TV Show
Shameless, Qi, My name is Earl, Green Wing

Will Self, Dan Brown, Douglas Adams

Crash, City of Angels, 24 hour party people

Night Club / Bar
South in Manchester

Yes I can be,

Freya, friends, family, Bill Hicks Ghandi

England (be proud), Atlanta, Bangkok

Sanity, Honesty, G5, My new Beetle, My magic Mic,


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