In my own words I can be the sweetest bitch your ever meet.. all depending on how you play and what you say.. i'm sweet as, to on the level people, wanna play with fire though and you will get burned :P
My Dream Date... gemimi's love them lol Just want to be looked after really what girl don't ;)
Hi there sweetie, Just seen your profile and pics and what can i say apart from you are gorgeous and quality too. If you like what u see and read and fancey a chat then msg me babes...
heya hun, how are you? You have much planned for the weekend ahead? What do u do in london at the weekend? I think im heading to the beach (wesuit time though) you have anything planned? what do u do in london at the weekend??? Youre a very beautiful woman id love to chat sometime... if you fancy a chat mail me back xxx or if you have msn add me [email protected] xxx
hey. rawwwwr. why does england suck donkey dick? its so cold!!! The weather is wank. rant over. hows it going, i love penguins. i like throwing sticks at chavs. I love randomness, that makes no sense does it? Wht yo up to today? write back :) tim x
heya huni, how are you? Good weekend? my msn is broken... have had to make a new one id love your beautiful self to add me so we can chat its [email protected] xxx