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Name: DOB™
Details: 39 years old (Cancer), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/icklefraggle
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Do I?
Me n Ant! :-)
Not sure why we took this but anyway! LOL
In my own words

Erm, im a normal lad lookin 4 sum more genuine mates, as everyone always says ya cant av enough mates. I can be v quiet or v loud, depends on ma mood. Av recently come out of yet another long term relationship that turned out to be a waste of time so not lookin 4 another jus yet. Why oh why can gay lads not stay faithful? Grrrr!

It feels like its been forever since I was single so im gunna liv it up2 the max an see wen the next prince charming sweeps me away....not just yet tho. Av met sum well kewl ppl recently so ello to ya all if ya on ere! lol

Im a bit of a wid child when drunk. Accordin to ma mates ma drunken acts are becoming legendary, my old nickname of AWOL has come back to haunt me! ooops!

Am mostly found out an about in Liverpool, St Helens or Manchester although its a mission of mine to travel again. Am guna be movin back to Manchester soon I fink. Say hi if ya see me out!!! I dont usually bite.

Anyway.... as u

Yeah....same sh|t different day!
My Eternal Dilemma...

Y do parents spend the 1st 2yrs of a childs life teachin em 2 walk n talk wen they spend the nxt 16 yrs tellin em 2 shut up n sit down!!??!!
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Favorite Things

Creme Eggs an Fanta

Old skewl dance, POP, Dance, Garage

TV Show
Almost anything on UK Gold

Can't Read

Haven't got the patience to sit thru one

Night Club / Bar
Hmmm....Nexus StHelens


Any members of the monster raving loony party

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Anywhere hot, with sand, sexi bois

Mates, mobile, visa card and ma car


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