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Bit of a geek! Bring on the games!!
Name: Si
Details: 38 years old (Aries), Male, In Relationship, Gay
Location: Northallerton, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/hypersi
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Time for bit of curl
Getting better
Acting stupid as usual
In my own words

Well I'm just ya hyped up geordie lad really. bit shy at first but that goes and ya get to see the real me, which May be bit of a handful but I'm generally a nice lad, who'll make friends with anyone.
I can be bit of a nutter, but who doesn't have their moments? Mine just tend to be a bit more frequent.
Always having a laugh (well i can't do the whole being serious or responsible roles all the time, too much effort), way I see it is you've got to enjoy ya life...no point letting things get to ya as in end, it doesn't matter plus its much more fun to be having a laugh.

I do Hapkido, its a Korean martial arts and got to say I'm really enjoying it..even if I did have to be dragged along to go to it in first place. Its great bit of exercise and nice to feel that i'm using muscles.
From Now On...

I'm gonna try and enjoy myself as much as can and gonna try to stop being so shy round people! whats the point!!?
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Comments 10 of 54 | post a comment | view all
madheed wrote...  
cheers man, got some canny work yaself like
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jay_boro99 wrote...  
Love to kiss a gay guy
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frasertheman wrote...  
areet lokn cute hansum man
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sex_teaser wrote...  
heyy =]
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spylad wrote...  
I felt it was appropriate at the time! ;]
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lil_miss_darlo wrote...  
Oo well I am now getting the mega bus babe from Middlesborough at 8am for urm £10 and it's £10 back on the Sunday at 3pm so it's not bad going. You're welcome to join us if you wish? x
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lil_miss_darlo wrote...  
I'll be gettin train from Darlington for the party hun x
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tefhl wrote...  
o right lol well sorry iam lost m8 lol u can have my ticket then iam off 2 miami on wed for 3months
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mr_tatu wrote...  
Cheers mate :)
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xxjames2271xx wrote...  
freaking gorgeous mate.
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Favorite Things

We could be here a while....

Most, depends on mood to what listen to.

TV Show
Castle, Bones, Mentalist, Naruto, Bleach.

J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Dan Brown

Scott Pilgrim, Spirited Away, Final Fantasy AC

Night Club / Bar
Tokyo, Great Wall (Newc), Bongo (Northallerton)

Bernese Mountain Dog! Still not allowed one :(

I don't really have a favourite person

Somewhere with good music blasting away

My Nintendo Wii! Loves it! PS3 comes close after


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