Name: | AaRoN+ LeE | |  | Details: | 36 years old (Leo), Male, Married, Gay |  | Location: | glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | |
In my own words
 We ArE BitChS WiF HiGh StAnDaRdS, SeNd Us A MsG If U ThiNk u CaN HaNdlE Us BuT DoNt ExPeCt a MsG BaK We DoNt MsG SKeEZs :P HeHe We PuT BiTcH In ThE DicTioNaRy ;) SOO BeWaRE:P FaE BaBi_AzZa 'N' SeXi_LeE XxX WE BIN TOGEHER 2 YEARs ON THE 16TH MAY!!!! |
My Best Day...
 OuR BeSt DaY waS 16th May WhEn we Got Togetha and the 16october wen we got engaged!!!AnD ThE 17th Of MaY 2006 Wen We Got MaRriEd!!!! |