Being liked by people is not a priority of mine. Dislikes: People who think they don't judge people but do / Walking fashion victims / People who think they're really individual when they look exactly like most of their friends. / People who try to impress people by starting an argument in a just make a cunt of yourself tbh..(although I will argue back if I think the argument is worthy of my time)/ People who think the only person who matters is themself. / People who have a go at people for spelling phonetically and then spelling the word ''phonetically'' wrong..BAHAHA!/ Labels / Girls who have pics of their tits hanging out./Cliquey people/ LIKES:..People who can laugh at themselves / Sarcasm / People who genuinely don't give a shit / Orgasms / Icecream / Orgasms whilst eating icecream... =]
In A Perfect World...
This girl I dislike would be hit by a bus tomorrow. :) No wait...thats too quick and painless, um...she would burn to death in a fire. :) And I would toast marshmallows over her as she burned to death sloooowly. :) Yep. I am a sadistic bitch. =]