In my own words im rather mad most of the time lol more fun when im pissed lol oj im fun all the time!! love ta get 2 no new ppl so every1 can talk 2 me lol
I'm blonde and proud yeeeha keep er fukin lit !!
do this 4 me plz
1. Who are you?.... 2. Are we friends?.... 3. When and how did we meet?.... 4. Do you hav a crush on me?.... 5. Have you ever wanted to punch me?.... 6. Give me a nikname and explain why?.... 7. Describe me in 1 word.... 8. what was ur first impression ov me?.... 9. do u still think the same?.... 10. What reminds u ov me?.... 11. If you could giv me anything wot wod it b?.... 12. How well do u no me?.... 13. Whens the last tym u saw me?.... 14.
The Meaning Of Life... is to live it 2 the full, cause u never no when its your time to go!! i only no to well, so live life 2 the max like me lol oh and we only have ten years left to live !!
hello gorgeous! how u doing? u r beautiful. nice pix hunni u r hot. bet u get that all the time but its true. u wanna chat on msn? Wb x [email protected]