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Naughty??...Hell yea..but very very nice!
Name: bex
Details: 43 years old (Aries), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/honeybeebex
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me in the red shirt just fin work! 4.30am
me in the middle!
adult content!! ehh??
me wrecked wi people i dont even no!! hehe
In my own words

I'm a peoples person and I'll chat to anyone and everyone! Sometimes even when they don't really want me to, But that hardly ever happens! HA! I love going out having a laugh, and drinking probably more than i should.
My Pet Hate...

flat pop..i cant stand the stuff!! in fact it really winds me up, cos i know no matter wot, at sum piont im gunna b drinkin it!!..its worse case senareo every time wi the dam stuf!! its like i go to the fridge,& im either dieing of thirst or the shops shut and iv gone to make a vodka! and there it is that 1/4 filled bottle that i shuda thrown out!,the last bit of liquid in the house! THE DREGS!! ugh i always think maybe it wont b as bad as last time!..its always is!
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Comments 6 of 6 | post a comment | view all
trevor-james wrote...  
OI OI!!! Ows you wife?? I'll tell you what it is right now, me and you are off out somewere when this pot comes off mi leg!!!! still miss ya loads xxxx
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badboyread wrote...  
where in brad u from bbe x
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smooth2502 wrote...  
wow wow, i so love yr profile hope u like mine, im 24 bi/fem/london yr pics and u r so hot and yummy fancy a chat sometime? [email protected]
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cumalot666 wrote...  
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trevor-james wrote...  
As your loving house mate and hot Gay friend, I feel it is my dutie to tell you that if you put the lid back on po it tends to stay fizzy however if you dont It goes flat lmao my pet hate is match the lid to the bottle haha!!! think you should get rid of the pic wi you in the red air brush that thing out lmao love ya xxx
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b_boy_4_real wrote...  
wow now i would drag my balla over 1 mile of broken glass for this lady ouch! mwah lol
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Favorite Things

ill eat anything! lol

Dance, Funky House and Bassline

TV Show
scrubs, my name is earl.

Stephen King

Scar Face, Gudfellas

Night Club / Bar
anywhere that opens late

ghecko! (funny lizard thing)

James (my hot gay friend)


My erm rabbit!


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