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Just passed my motorbike test!!
Name: I prefer introductions!!!
Details: 43 years old (Leo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Liverpool - city centre, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/homerthedaddy
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me again
In my own words

I'm little on the loopy side on occasions and tend not to take things too seriously. If you can laugh at something and walk away smiling then do it!! Aaaaanyway, if youre up for a chat and a giggle (or a stimulating conversation on the greenhouse effect, whether George W Bush walks like that because he is into taking bum love, if Tony Blair is really a puppet left over from the last series of fraggle rock, for example) then say hi sometime and if not, life goes on!! Choose life!! - i would rather regret the things ive tried and done than end up regretting that i never tried or did anything fun! p.s. go to vegas or youre missin out!!! p.p.s. clowns are evil evil things, youre the one group not allowed to message me, ever!!!!
The Meaning Of Life...

Life moves pretty fast, if you dont stop and look around sometimes you might miss it
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Favorite Things

Sushi all the way!!!! or a proper big juicy steak

pretty much everythin except country

TV Show
The Simpsons, Boston Legal, CSI, Family Guy

Stephen King, Dan Brown

Stand By Me, Shawshank Redemption, Scarface

Night Club / Bar
As long as they serve alcohol i don't care!!

Dogs - Akitas

Homer J. Simpson

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Vegas - best place on earth!!!! u got to go!!

XKR and alkeehol, but not together


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