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Qick whitted and charming
Name: What up boyz?
Details: 37 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/hollaback69
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I dont know Y i look goth here. So not goth!
In my own words

Welcome to my page! I've been in vegas now since 7/04 and I've done a lot of changing. The most obvious is that I've lost 90 pounds. I've matured and moved out of my parents house 8/05 and this month I moved again into the NW and am living on my own vs having a roommate last year. I've changed jobs too. I was a customer service manager at the slave camps of wal-mart store inc and now i'm the office manager for a major funiture company.

I've been single for some time now. Alot has to do with stress from being at walmart and working til 1AM. Now that I have this new job i can start looking for a relationship again. I'm not needy but its nice to have a shoulder to lean on once in a while.
My friends all tell me i'm the loud ass in the group. I don't let people bother me and if someone fucks with me i'm ready to fuck right back. I'm very outgoing and not shy. Love to have a good time and go with the flow.
In A Perfect World...

You & I would be together and everyone would get along
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Favorite Things

Italian, but i'm really starting to like mexican

Hip/hop, Dance, Reggeton

TV Show
Will & Grace and Campus Ladies

Who reads?

Tu Wong Fu

Night Club / Bar
Still under 21 (less then a year to go!)



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