In my own words well its been a while since i was on here, surprised i remembered mi password. normal female (honestly that says a lot for whats about now!) i wont flash half mi naked body on here like most which i thinks hilarious as says one thing! i do tend to shock lads with the fact i can hold a convo about football and cars :)
My Mum Says... you could ring home now and then so we know you aint dead....
hey how u doing? am james, i do sports coaching around leicester. just wondered wat do u get up to ? u seem sound and quite laid back and fun! be great to hear from you but if not you should accept the complements! James xx
hiya u alrite just had sneaky look at ur profile u r georgous. u fancy a chat? wot it like on nite out were u r from ? wot I get up 2 over the weekend xx