In my own words hiya to all that no me yes i have changed my profile been a long time coming lol,and to all that dont no me hello welcome to my page stop and say hi its rude not to lol,off the singles list now but still looking to chat and make new friends well chat soon xx
at last things are finaly going good for me i have started my new job at the blue bell yarm and im loving it. i have a great man in my life who i care alot about and him me, got my own place as well and off on my holls on tuesday the 17 till the 27 june my step sister is getting married in canada, i so need this holl like will be cool to see family again as been a while catch ya all soon xx
In A Perfect World... in a perfect world i would be rich and very very happy but im not rich but iam happy with most parts of my life whats the point in winging about the bad bits we all get crap at times in our lifes so people enjoy life its to short you never no when your time is up so be merry get drunk and enjoy life to the full but remember people still have hearts that break so be kind everyone xxx