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I'm sexy and do ne thing for a laugh
Name: Hazel
Details: 40 years old (Sagittarius), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/hazel-eyes
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me posin
me laughin which i do alot lol...
lol ummmm....yeah :p x
me an aimee
In my own words

I'm an honest and fun loving girl, I love just chatting for hours about ne thing and I'm a great listener. I started this fp to meet new people and have a laugh probably like most of u, So if u want to chat sometime them msg me and i'll get back to ya! oh and if u like what u see then plz rate me (maybe even more than once ;) lol it doesn't take long, but it u'll put a smile on my face :)now tc and remember....live life to the full, cos u only get one!!!( or so they say!)bye 4 now xxxx p.s it's very flattering to get msgs from older guys, but no1 ova the age of 40 plz....i just find it abit pervy lol but no offence guys....x
Blog 2 posts | view all
Sing it girls!!!, funny msg from mobile :p
At first i was afraid i was petrified. When u said that u had 10 inches, lord i almost died! But i'd spent so many yrs just waitin for a man that long, that i grew strong an i knew that i could take u on....But there u r, another lie. I was ready for my big mac an u brought me a french fry! I should of know it was bullsh*t, just a sad pathetic dream. Should of known there was no anaconda lurkin in those bloody jeans!!
My Funniest Moment...

and most embarassing moment....
Well, i was feeling horny while my b/friend was at work. so i had a lil play with my dildo for a few hours and left it on my b/friends bed. I came up later to find that it had disapeared. Absolutely mortified, i looked frantically for it eventually finding it under my boyfriends parents bed with their dog....licking it clean...rolf lmao ;p
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Comments 8 of 8 | post a comment | view all
onemotionflat wrote...  
Well ma spider senses tell me that you have been prob told every day that you are a really really beautiful women like wow lol any way am not a 57 strawberry eating cock. I do know how to respect ma women and treat one btw I do love strawberry heehee. Hope fully I have stood out from all the cocks on ere I just want to talk
wb dean
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1inchmagic wrote...  
hi u have msn
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jamie2608 wrote...  
lets chat
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happysean wrote...  
wow u look so sexy,please add me to msn mess and we can chat or cam?okty [email protected]
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romantic_romie wrote...  
Hey babe, how are ya, just saw your profile(nice) im very interested to know if you wouldnt mind chatting with me on msn? let me know ok?
Cya ;=)
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pyelan wrote...  
wow ure a bit scrummy. whats ure msn? x
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andyhunter wrote...  
heyhey jus passin and though id visit ur profile and check it out, dnt wana sound rude or weird but u seem a reali nice gurl and sound and also u look cute and pretty in th pics i checked out, but sure cnt reali judge u atm as hardly knw ya but if u fancy a chat and gettin to kwn me sure wb, take care and have a nice day xx
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sweethoney74 wrote...  
hey sexy u could have put a better picture of me on haha love you loads xxxx
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me , my family and interests!!!
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Favorite Things

Anything, i'm not fussy!

Dance, Trance, hardcore etc

TV Show
raising hope, scrubs, coming of age....

steven king

I don't just have one...

Night Club / Bar
Liquid, syndicate, kings, wigan pier

Tigers ggrrr!!!

Stephen dorff phhrrooaarrrr!!!!

My loverly warm, cozy bed.

I don't hav 1 honest!!! ; ) xx


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