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Name: hayley
Details: 45 years old (Capricorn), Female, Single, Straight
Location: swansea, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/hayleyjay
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In my own words

Things change, people change, and it doesnt mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on & treasure the memories. Letting go doesnt mean giving up, it means accepting that some things werent meant to be. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment & making the best of it, without knowing whats going to happen next... TAKE CHANCES, life is not fun without them. If you screw up at least you learned something. You have to take the good with the bad, SMILE with the sad, LOVE what you have, and REMEMBER what you had, Always FORGIVE, but NEVER FORGET, LEARN from your mistakes, but NEVER REGRET, people change, things go wrong, just remember life goes on. So TAKE too many PICTURES, LAUGH too HARD, and LOVE like youve never been hurt, because every minute you spend mad or upset is a minute of happiness that youll never get back. i actually pinched this off sum1 elses profile but its
this sex is sex a sex good sex way sex to sex keep sex a sex thick sex twat sexy buzy sex for sex 20 sex second sex ( now read this with out the sex ) ....
In A Perfect World...

my life would be great i could find the right bloke who doesnt play games go behind my back and doesnt hit me! me and my kids would be happy ever after but there isnt a perfect world is there ???
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chinese food

snow patrol,cascada, cold play, ub40

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all the soaps

the champ

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my kids

my bed

my phone and pc


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