|  Name: | **^**EmMa**^** {:¬) | |  | Details: | 42 years old (Pisces), Female, Single, Straight |  | Location: | **SuRrEy ChIcK**, Surrey, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/hargreaveschick |
  In my own words
 HaD mY 2nD lItTlE gIrL iN mArCh,NaMeD hEr LaCiEe RiHaNnE,u R mY lIfE iIsH aNd LaC.thAnKu 2 AlL My gReAt FaMiLy AnD MAtEs WhO aV rEaLlY hElPeD mE oUt,LoVe yA aLl x X x SoMe rEaLlY sLeEzY gUyZ oN hErE,i rEaLlY aInT InTeReStEd In MeEtIn uP 4 SuM fUn,So dOn'T bOvEr AsKiN mE!!!! |
 My Pet Hate...
 ~BiTcHy gIrLs~ChEaTeRs~LiArS~2 fAcEd PePs,iF u'vE GoT sUmThInG 2 sAy U ShUd sAy iT 2 tHe fAcE~dRuGgIeS~pEoDoS~hOmE ReCkErS~sUnDaY dRiVeRs~pEoPlE dAt EaT wIv ThEiR mOuTh OpEn~FaT bIrDs In sHoRt ToPs~ Ex bOyFrIeNdS dAt WoN'T lEaVe Ya AlOnE,~RuDe bOyS~hAiRy cHeStS~aViN No mOnEy~MoNdAy MoRnInGs~ClIcKiNg FiNgErS~sPiDeRs~BrItIsH wEaThEr~BlOkEs DaT tUrN tHeIr BkS oN tHeIr OwN kIdZ!!!!
OnE lAsT FiNg,LiFeS 2 ShOrT sO LiVe It 2 ThE mAX.mAkE uR DrEaMz cOm TrUe X |
  Comments | 10 of 93 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  | greenyellowpunk wrote... | |  | hi hun this is real boring message i no but ummm yeh wat u up 2? u pics r real stunnign hun got msn? wb xxxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | xxjobsonxx wrote... | |  | hey there you seem like a really really nice girl to get to know and chat to! would love to get to know u!love the sound of your profile and also love your pics too! u look beautiful! is there any chance we can chat at all? x x |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  | 02lee wrote... | |  | hey georges!! hows u?? i just been lukin at ur profile, WOW u luk stunnin hun!!! just wondered if u fancy a chat sumtime??? add me 2 msn if u want babez.... [email protected] wats ur addy?>?? reply xxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | sexyby69 wrote... | |  | hi hunni u k u r stunning btw really pretty n sound really nice im not 2 far from u just moved ere bout 2 months go from london wounderin if u got msn n wanna chat email bk xxxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  |  |  | |  | ticaal666 wrote... | |  | hey there sexy how are you?? stuck in surrey for a couple of weeks if you fancy a chat or a wrestle get in touch |  |  |  | send message |
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|  |   Favorite Things Food VeGeTaRiAn#pAsTa#FrUi T Music IT dEpEnDs On ThE mOoD,wHo I'M wIv & WhErE i Am * TV Show #~EaStEnDeRs,X fAcToR~# Author ** dOn'T rEaLlY rEaD ** Movie ** ~hOnEy~FoOtBaLl FaCtOrY~gReEn StReEt** Night Club / Bar **EnVy~bRaNnIgAnS~bAr mEd~RaT & pArRoT~ Animals *** WeLl So I'vE bEeN tOlD*** Person XxX ** FaMiLy,FrIeNdS,mY 2 lItTlE gIrLs,** Place ** AnYwHeRe HoTtT~ Possession/Thing mY mOb~My CaR~mY hAiR sTrAiGhTNeRs~ |
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