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Name: Sam
Details: 33 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Central London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/halfbeard
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Hey there. I'm Sam; I love to travel, I'm an animator; and I enjoy eating out. Hooray!
My Pet Hate...

Men's Rights Activists.
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manson_bitch wrote...  
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lildanyell wrote...  
Hi there
I'm trying to figure out how i've managed to miss the comment you sent me until now, and the only conclusion I can come to is that it got lost amid a see of pervertedness, so sorry about that :)
I talk myself out of awkward situations then into worse ones frequently, my brain seems to ignore the fact that it's won and just carry on, aha
Indeed. I mean the actual laws and the way they've been established, the execution is generally ridiculous. Crime and punishment is more like crime
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lilx07x wrote...  
would be preety awsome but na i dont think they will and nothing will beat the young ones lol i dont think that sort of comedy could be recreated in the day and age
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xmeganrose wrote...  
Hey babe :)
I broke my old phone, so I've lost all my numbers. Give me a text if you still have my number x
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manson_bitch wrote...  
hhe i wud cos im a sucker for a cute lad in bed :p yeah i can send u the link my sis just sent me :)wot kinda cookies r ur faves? xxx
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manson_bitch wrote...  
hehhe no im a bridesmaid at my sisters wedding. :) aww i'll bring u some baileys n cookies? :)
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jezabelrox wrote...  
I read a lot, naturally.
I do go out a lot, but only because I'm a hot mess when I'm drunk. Hahaha.
I'm quite a fitness freak, love my gym, bit of a rugby fan, planning on joining the ladies team I think.
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hannah125 wrote...  
comedy snob - basically I hate comedy from people who are not really that funny/overrated/play on the fact they are carrying a few extra pounds or play on their race in everyyy joke. I could go on for a bit longer on this subject but I'm sure you get the general gist of it. And thanks for the whole Regina Spektor comment.
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jezabelrox wrote...  
I'm quite the conversationalist if I'm honest.
What are your topics of interest?
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nine_inch_heels wrote...  
old school tattoo's , pin ups, then I paint my own style really.. quite sketchy... always in biro :) do you draw.
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