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To go out or not to go out, that is the question...
Name: grrbabysteve
Details: 40 years old (Cancer), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Berkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/grrbabysteve
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In my own words

Okay, it's been bloody ages since I last updated my profile, so thought it was time for an overhaul! Graduated from Uni just over a year ago, and now in the big wide world, earning cash (which is cool), but having to get up early (which isn't so cool). Missing uni loads, but enjoying being back at home too. Just on here to hopefully meet some other like-minded crazy people! If I seem like someone you wouldn't mind talking to, then drop me a message :D
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Comments 10 of 55 | post a comment | view all
xxchampagnexx wrote...  
I hope you like them ;)
Coz I'm putting a lot of effort in. Like. I mean...I'm basically thinking about you and cumming. Thats a damn lot of effort tbh.
I hope your party shindig was fun and you didn't meet any girls better than me ;) *puts on jealous mask*
Coz you know...like you can't. YOU'RE MINE. I'm going to put you in a bottle and keep you in my pocket for the rest of my life.
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xxchampagnexx wrote...  
I'm leaving you lots of comments. So I don't feel bad about cancelling our phonesex again :P
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xxchampagnexx wrote...  
Will you change
Hair: black and spikey
Hair: boyband
please? :)
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xxchampagnexx wrote...  
I want youuuu :)
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-x-candyfl0ss-x- wrote...  
You...Durr :P x
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xxchampagnexx wrote...  
YAY for stevie presents :)
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clubber_laura wrote...  
Did you know that if you are ever being chased by a crocodile, you should run in a zigzag motion as they are only able to move in a straight line so thus this will confuse them? xo
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girl_racer121 wrote...  
PG Tips or Yorkshire tea, like tea used to be!
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girl_racer121 wrote...  
nowt like a brew lad x
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icklebunniuk wrote...  
haha me evidently :D
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Spaghetti Carbonara

Indie (Cheese is appreciated after a few drinks!)

TV Show
Family Guy, Spooks, Neighbours!


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