In my own words i am a happy bubbly person and no i'm not fat most fat people descibe emselves as bubbly lol. i am 18 and have a little girl called keira denise and no i am not a slag because i have a child, because i no hu the dad is. i am five foot five with brown hair and eyes, i'm resonably thin and have in my mind got a good shape. i dnt ave a job and i neva went to college. i enjoy hangin wit my mates and avin a good laugh usually at my expence lol. i'm always up for a laugh and get on with pretty much neone. i live in dartford with my aunt and uncle and my daughter. this was a recent move as things didn't work out at ma mates in corringham.
yay !!!!
welll today is the day i get my baby keira back after 2 weeks. i went to see her yesterday and she doesn't even reconise me how sad is that my own daughter doesn't even know hu i am. of course i was upset but apparantly babies forget stuff very easily so in time we'll be bac to normal. oh and i quit smokin and drinkin today probably the worst decision of my life but neva mind ay the drinkin one was volentary but the smokin was due to the goverment. stupid law if u ask me
In A Perfect World... no one would get robbed or hurt in anyway old people would be respected and kids wouldn't get abused. there'd be no such thin as global warmin and the winter wouldn't be so cold. wasps wouldn't sting and health care would be free. men would have the babies and women wouldn't have periods. in a perfect world everythin would be perfect.