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Used & Abused!
Name: Pete
Details: 36 years old (Libra), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Kent, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/goodeh
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Me and MikeyB .. again :]
Me and MikeyB!
In my own words

Well, its been nearly a year since i've updated this. In that time so much has happened, im not really sure who i am. I have a couple of special people in my life, Mike and Nicki, who have been there through thick and thin for me, and i cherish them for this. I seem to get messed around a lot with girls, wanting to jump into bed with me at an opportunity, but then two days later everything dieing down- i aint no f*ck buddy for anyone. I speak my mind alot, but also worry a fair amount, i never used to, and that used to be my best quality, but after everything that's happened to me now, i tend to get uneasy in strange situations.

Im no freak, i'm as normal as anyone else, things have just been hard but they're getting back on track now. I've got rid of the people in my life who i don't need in it, and who make it un-pleasant.

They know who they are. Other than that, things are cool, i'm a drum teacher, currently not teachin
My Best Day...

Was my 20th Birthday. Nicki came down, and about 10 of my other friends, all came out to the Tap 'n' Tin to help me celebrate, it was brilliant and i love every single person that went and made the night so special. Even though Dave did go home in an Ambulance.. oh well.. i'm sure he will learn for next time :p

Thanks people, you know who you are, your very special. xx
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Punk,Cheese,Metal,Old school dance

TV Show
Jeremy Kyle!

Books?wtf? :/ how shallow of me!

Saw 1 and 3... 2 was poor :(

Night Club / Bar
Tap 'n' Tin

Penguin :] They're useless and do fa. like me :]

Mike, Nicki.

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My bed,Reading,Mikes.

Driving License / Car / Friends.


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