In my own words well its great to see u r actually reading my pro not just looking at the pics CONGRATES u win..ummm...ahhh i got it ...u win a brand NEW piece of string OMG u r so lucky i wish i had a piece of string like that...*steals it and runs away* hehe well yer u can probly tell by now i get sidetraked very easy and yer im always up for anything fun and going out if i have moneys and yer if u wanna chat msg me im more than happy too.
My Funniest Moment... when me and a few mates got kicked out of mr toys toyworld 4 having a medievil fight with the costum props hehe...supposively we aint ment 2 wear the viking helmets and head butt eachother or chase eachother round with the swords pfft wat else would u do with em ??? thast rite in the end we bought em and continued the fight in the city streets yay 4 us and of course i was crowned KING =0D GO TEAM ME!!!