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take me to tomorrow, today was a mess
Name: gaz2105
Details: 35 years old (Taurus), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/gaz2105
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In my own words

little things i like - snow, talksport, the cold side of the pillow, pop tarts, crunchy nut corn flakes, mcdonalds big tastey, kopparberg, karl pilkington, coronation street, random shit food after a night out, finding money in my pocket, sunny d, ice pops on a hot day, fruitella, hooch. i'm easily pleased :) x
My Pet Hate...

putting empty wrappers back in the tin of whatever sweets you have. oh and when i hold a door open for someone and they don't say thanks grrrr!!
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7 photos
Favorite Things

indian, italian, mexican, chinese

the libertines, arctic monkeys, oasis, killers

TV Show
an idiot abroad, peep show, ricky gervais show

snatch, law abiding citezen, green mile

Night Club / Bar
swan, yates, cookie club

monkey, dog, kangaroo

phone, tv when at work to get me through the day


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