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I am a crazy metal head/anarchist
Details: 36 years old (Taurus), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Canada
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/gart_vicious
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me drunk as fuckon the left,kyle on the right
1 of me and my bloodbrothers dollar lake trip
me not expecting this pic to be taken
In my own words

My name is Gart Watt (real name:gary watt), Music is my life, without it literaly I would die, I refuse to live without it. I love to play the bass guitar, I love Ace so much!, Ace is a Ibanez Roadstar series II. I love alot of differn't types of music and the types I dont love and listen to I still respect and appreciate what they do as long as the lyrics and meaning isnt always about slanderizing and hating other types of music like some rap and skin head angry punk and its about the music and not anything else and that really narrows the number of bands down that I respect down I'm affraid to say. I was born in a shity small ass town(Truro, Nova Scotia) that I'm still in till Thursday,May 4th thank god(DM-VR-M!) <---if you know me you can figure it out quite simple what that means. Although I love music more then life theres 1 thing I love even more then music and that would be my friends & family, I love all my friends n' family bey
In A Perfect World...

There would be no rules but everyone respected and was friendly to 1 another, perfect anarchy :D, chances of that; 1/9999 cause lets face it, people suck!
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Favorite Things

Egg nog,Donair

Megadeth,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath,so many more!

TV Show
That 70's show,kevin spencer,south park,familyguy

I dont read very many books

any kind of movie with zombies,or chainsaws

Night Club / Bar
Hardrock Cafe, Sneeky D's


Dave Mustaine

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BC RICH beast (bass guitar)


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