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Looking for schoolmates from edinburgh school bfpo17 1979-83
Name: jeff
Details: 56 years old (Taurus), Male, Married, Straight
Location: Warminster, Wilts, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/welshicon
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In my own words


You might not have known this, but a lot of non-living objects are actually either male or female.

Here are some examples:
FREEZER BAGS: They are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.

PHOTOCOPIERS: These are female, because once turned off, it takes a while to warm them up again.
They are an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can also wreak havoc if you push the wrong

TYRES: Tyres are male, because they go bald easily and are often over inflated.

HOT AIR BALLOONS: Also a male object, because to get them to go
anywhere, you have to light a fire under their arse

SPONGES: These are female, because they are soft, squeezable and retain water.

WEB PAGES: Female, because they´re constantly being looked at and frequently getting hit on.

TRAINS: Definitely male, because they always use the same old lines
Blog 5 posts | view all
here we are again
Well i thought it about time to update my search for good chat- out of 300 random messages i got four regular chats= 50 addys with 30 chats that lasted well didnt actually get off the ground. the rest well didnt even reply said great profile then never seen again.or said i dont speak to married men( Really!!!). On the football side playing left bacl now as feeling my age. my team still sit third with a chance of promotion Geetting another tatoo done soon a nine inch crusader knight
This Week's Plan...

is to do fcuk all...I Cdnuolt Blveiee Taht I Cluod Aulaclty Uesdnatnrd Waht I Was Rdanieg. The Phaonmneal Pweor Of The Hmuan Mnid, Aoccdrnig To A Rscheearch At Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, It Deosnt Mttaer In Waht Oredr The Ltteers In A Wrod Are, The Olny Iprmoatnt Tihng Is Taht The Frist And Lsat Ltteer Be In The Rghit Pclae. The Rset Can Be A Taotl Mses And You Can Sitll Raed It Wouthit A Porbelm. Tihs Is Bcuseae The Huamn Mnid Deos Not Raed Ervey Lteter By Istlef, But The Wr
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Comments 10 of 10 | post a comment | view all
tishenfox wrote...  
cute message xx ;)
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abfab74 wrote...  
cheers for ur message hun x
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cockneykate wrote...  
hey thanks 4 ur comment!!x
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jackie39662001 wrote...  
thanks for the message chat some time x
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lisams wrote...  
lol thanks for the msg
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teeser wrote...  
am on msn now - go on and explain! too much wine and am not understanding you!!
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pinkparis16 wrote...  
hi there, am out of msgs, but i have replied to ya b4
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pinklooloo wrote...  
thanks hun yr good as well xxxx
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jowilliams wrote...  
hi hun , your aquiring quite a fan club,
you are one of the genuine ones on here and if you werent married then you know what that means i would n't have hesitated as we've met already through mates xx take care jo xx
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missjem wrote...  
hi nice to know someones got a gsoh
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Favorite Things

bacon sandwiches kfc bucket meals pizzas

Green day kaiser chiefs depeche mode

TV Show
sharp brothers in arms

Shrek 1-2-3

Night Club / Bar
club ice , miinstry of sound,

freddie is

sam and the boys

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Bed - Football Pitch - sandy beach

thing is i like to make a mark good or bad!!


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