Hey Miss, I'm Dave 24 from Exeter but currently Manchester is home due to work (Moved here a few weeks ago) I just saw the profile an liked it muchly!! What are you up to tonight? If you're around and feeling randomly chatty come say hi, or my msn address is [email protected] tcx
heya chickadee, how you doing over there tonight? i just stumbled across your profile and had to say hi.. all i could think was WOW!!! my jaw fell open, i drooled everywhere, it wasnt pretty... but were all mopped up now, so you dont have to worry!then i found i was all outta messages, so sorry about the uber-long comment anyways, you look and sound incredible!!! have a gander at my profile and if the hairy knuckles and hunchback dont have you running for the hills, id love to hear ba