In my own words hIyA pEoPlE! ImE Jo, fRoM sWaDlInCoTe, I lUv GoIn OuT wItH mA mAtEs aViN A LaF n GeTtIn DrUnK, I AlSo LiKe mEeTiNg NeW pEoPLe N ChAtTiN To fIt mEn! haha.... xxxx
The Meaning Of Life... Is tO LiVe iT To tHe mAx aNd GeT sTeAmIn aS MuCh aS YoU CaN!! and booty shakin* heart breakin* mad hot* never stop* short skirts* love to flirt* tight jeans* curvy hips* glossed lips* high class* shake that azz* bangin style* sexy smiles* luscious thights* candy eyes* temptin lips* killer kiss* tell me u can handle this!!i aint ur average arab chic im sumtimes a bitch wink wink boys love me hate me i dont care so much ima cuttie with a bootie! GeT iT DoWn yA! bOoP!