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Hey, yea, well...ermmm...
Name: Andrew
Details: 37 years old (Aries), Male, Straight
Location: Druids Heath/Kings Norton (Birmingham), West Midlands, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/andrew_ajs
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In my own words


1. Standing Next To Midgets So I can Feel Powerful
2. Farting next to a midgets knowing they get the full brunt of it due to their small frame
3. Crisp and salad cream sandwiches!!
4. French Knickers or simple pants please
5. Seeing the odd fat person fall over or trip on uneven surfaces
6. Trendy looking girls
7. Totally blanking the big issue people and hearing them bid you a good day knowing they're really calling you a cunt and secretly wishing they had a job.
8. Waking after a good nights sleep to find dribble on your pillow, its a sure sign to knowing you've slept well
9. Free news papers with horoscopes in
10. Sick pay
11. Talking complete drunken shite to taxi drivers
12. Trying out my asian accent when talking to taxi drivers or in the local paki-mart
13. Naive people
14. Feathered pillows!!
If You Pay Me...

i'll fuck you with a banana
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x-ladiic-x wrote...  
heya...thanx for the comment! do u have msn ? xx
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loopylas141 wrote...  
nah was just us on the road,
been told he was doin bout 75 but meh i duno cant even remember lol
i remember it hurt though haha
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lozzababiilovesyooh wrote...  
thank you :) x
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jenii-vengeance-x wrote...  
hehe ty
yer pro made me giggle :]
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_disturbd_ wrote...  
i basically neverererrr reply to people on here.... but good shout on the crisp and salad cream sandwiches, thought i was the only one hah :)
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Favorite Things

Chicken and fish!!! sex on a plate SauS-sagess

moosic I like everything!

TV Show
Dnt really watch TV...

I read books,dnt know who writes them.

Nothing scary! id cack my pants

Night Club / Bar
Academy!! and the spoons! oh and rileys

a simple dog would be ok

ashley simpson

Chicago was kool

phone, bank card and watch =]


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