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How can I possibly sum up my whole being in such a small space? Read on I guess...
Name: Alex
Details: 42 years old, Male, Single, Straight
Location: Kent, Quarantine cell: 4208-B, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/alexgriffin
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Pooch n' me
The 'Borgi'
Well I SUPPOSE it's time I added a new pic!
In my own words

Pet dislikes:

- Spelling & grammar fit for toddlers
- Sticky cutlery handles
- Motorway signage
- Contemporary Hip Hop / Rap
- Fat Muscled skin heads who look like Shrek in a jumper
- Repeating myself
- Girls who purely got into Kings of Leon due to 'Sex on (bloody) Fire' ha!
- Materialism
- Chavs (well who doesn't?)
- Animal cruelty
- Folk who are ignorant to the joys of reading
- Repeating myself
- Sodding Snapchat filter fads!

(I'm sure there'll be plenty more on the way kids!)

Music Likes:

Air, The Beatles, Blur, Chemical Brothers, Cream, Daft Punk, Depeche Mode, Django Django, Doves, Elbow, E.L.P, Morricone, Fleetwood Mac, Gary Numan, Howard Shore, The Jam, James Horner, Jean Michelle Jarre, Jethro Tull, Julian Casablancas, Kasabian, Keane, Ladytron, Manic Street Preachers, Metallica, New Order, Oasis, Wings, Pink Floyd, The Prodigy, Radiohead, The Smiths, Strokes, Queen, Vangelis, Wagner
Recent movie1 video | view all
I survived Hurricane Sandy
Ummm, I pretty much summed it up in the subject title actually.
The Meaning Of Life...

Gather round children... For I shall tell thee
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Comments 10 of 66 | post a comment | view all
sup3rkazza wrote...  
Hey x
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pippaxx wrote...  
Lol! Oh my god this site is a nightmare! I've gotta say though, you've not stop made me laugh this evening!! You're a funny guy! Are you on kik or Snapchat?xx
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pippaxx wrote...  
Sorry hun, I haven't got any messages left. Yeah it's crazy some of the stuff guys say on this site! Haha, no need to apologise! You've already made a much better impression lol x
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miss_murder_2007 wrote...  
hahaha thought I recognised you! my profile got hacked and the company reset literally everything! i apologise for the coldness lmao!!
yeah i love going to the pictures too, cant beat it
but yeah I donlove a night in....depends on the drink and the company!
wow thats alot! i dont think i could manage to stand on them all xx
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miss_murder_2007 wrote...  
Hahaha cute no, murderous maybe ;) haha x
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deanie90 wrote...  
Snap, on a few of your music preferences :) x
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k8e_69 wrote...  
Don't you dare! I'll report you to the faceparty police! Lol. (Ran out of messages) I know I need to catch up. I hav to watch it round my brothers though and it's hard to find a time wen we're both not working
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lizzie_babe69 wrote...  
Don't mind me, just casually stalking away.... :-p x
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downtown-abbie wrote...  
Do you know, I can't for the life of me remember?? All I know for sure is its all your fault, you started it, you're mean and I hate you! *hold me*
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up_4_fun69 wrote...  
Sorry, I'm out of messages, grrr Faceparty. Well, spelling, animal cruelty, the skin head stuff, and Paris Hilton (HATE!!!) amongst others xx
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Photos of me
17 photos, 1 video
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Ze dawg
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Favorite Things

Chinese, Thai, Sunday Roasts et al

Indie, Rock, Electronic / Synth, Classical

TV Show
Alan Partridge, Extras, Game Thrones, Father Ted

From Tolkien & Rowling to Dickens & Shakespeare

A Clockwork Orange, Alien, Sanjuro, Shawshank...

Night Club / Bar

Dog (mind you, Llamas are flying up the list!)

Stephen Fry

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Anywhere where there's an award winning sunset

The flatulent Goblin under my stairs


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