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Name: Eddie
Details: 36 years old (Capricorn), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Richmond., London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/fyrebrat1
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My new bike :-)
In my own words

Just moved back to the UK, I've been through some crazy, crazy shit the last few years, but I faced it all on my own. And i'm a better person because of it. I think I know what life's about now, it's just a ride, a game to play the best way you can, have fun, love and when someone breaks your heart be even more determined to find someone better, I never belived in fate and I dont believe that your life choices have been preordained, but I think that those coincidences in life are more than just coincidence, like when you get the right phone call at exactly the right time, when something falls apart allowing something better to fall together. Life is what u make of it, u can shine as brightly as you want. Always leave a good memory in those people that you meet, smile, be crazy, and love with every bit of your heart. :)
From Now On...

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, Love the people that treat you right, forgive the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it'd be easy, they just promiced it would be worth it.
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Comments 10 of 86 | post a comment | view all
chiaroscuro wrote...  
Urg don't encourage me! I've been in the UK a few months now and I'm trying to curb my impulsive traveling ways. I see you have led a similar life of late- good man! x
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seductivesean wrote...  
o.O london aye, check you out mr.
yep still at work, i leave in 10 mins tho! yey! although i have nothing planned tonight so it will just be a boring night in for me! what u got planned?
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seductivesean wrote...  
howdy sexual.
hows things with u?
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luckyducky2 wrote...  
where have you gone?!
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x_crack_whore_x wrote...  
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x_crack_whore_x wrote...  
Cool tools is not cool.
I am however, going to stalk your pictures now.
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jaxuk wrote...  
Great words..
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seductivesean wrote...  
happy a larry. yourself m8? whats been going on then?
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seductivesean wrote...  
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truchigga wrote...  
Well i do give out some compliments :P
But i havn't told anyone that they are amazing yet, OH... wait i did to you babes .
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Favorite Things

Bagels with cream cheese, mozzarella and ham,

Zenit, Shurikn, IAM, immortal technique, calle 13

TV Show
all the stargates :) and night cops lol

Paolo Cohello, also I love the celestine prophesy

Fear and Loathing, american history X, green mile

Night Club / Bar
Ben Crouches Tavern, any spanish bar

Ferrets I had 2, chewey and widget, albino hobs

Someone different, not like the rest of them..

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Morocco, Erg Chebbi

iphone , im also geeky so computer stuffs


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