In my own words Hey I'm BX pronounced Bex if you really fink bout it try say bex without the E n it still sounds the same. Im 20 & from Witney in West Oxfordshire n I'm tellin you this is the most excitin place you'll eva go. Na not really front page major news here is like 'PARANTS NOT HAPPY WITH PARKING AT LOCAL PRIMARY SCHOOL!!' so as you can imagin its all action here. Luckly I now Live in London so have got away from Witneys shockingly bad night life and the narrow minded ppl who cant handle change. Im studying to be a child nurse which is tirig but I love it!! In my spare time I like to go out as much as I can it is London after all anyway dats bout it bx xx
The Meaning Of Life... Is its ok whatever your doing just make sure you don't get busted doing it.