In my own words wot can i say?? im a bit nutty sum wud say ive got a screw loose but its all good fun! I LIVE FOR MY WEEKNDS!! and to go out any paaaarty wiv ma ladies... bit of a pisshead lol but i enjoy maself!
My Mum Says... UR SUCH A SLOB!!! lol but ent we all!
Hi there. I hope you dont mind but you seem cool and thought i would send a message! You ok? You look amazing in your pics! So what are you up to? :-) x
its first time i been on here in ages aswell lol jst fort id give it a bash as fb is boring 2day and ive gotta try fill 4 weeks to stop me going mad coz out of work for 4 weeks now :( how u been neway x