In my own words You have now entered a Realm of Desire... a Distraction of the Mind... and an Appetite for Passion...
THIS IS HOW I'M WIRED. I am DEEPER than you think. If you would like to contradict me, I'm game. I can most likely figure you out within 5 minutes of having a conversation with you. I hunger to be an obstruction of your mind. I thirst for you to figure me out. believe myself to be genuine and I would never betray the ones I love. I value my family and those who are REAL. I am constantly thinking and I love to write poetry. I have Loved Lost and Learned. The three things that every soul should feel.
Truth and love are my law and worship; Form and conscience are my manifestation and guide; Nature and peace are my shelter and companion; Order is my attitude; Beauty and perfection are my attack.Success is a virtue. Failure is NOT an option.
Hey, sorry to message on here, but I'm new, and didn't realise there was a message limit!! I just have to say how eye catchingly beautiful you are, absolutely gorgeous! I'd love to talk some time, are you on msn??