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Name: Fluffy Pants
Details: 47 years old (Taurus), Female, Single, Lesbian
Location: Londonia, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/fluffypants
Recent photos16 photos | view all
Pointing or farting?? YOU decide
Just one of many pairs of sexy pants that i own
My Beautiful Moooostache
Would you look at the size of them!
In my own words

I'm a good laugh, totally love my socialising. I'm camp....i'm afraid it's a terminal thing!!! Love football and hockey, tho don't play much at the moment. Play a lot of pool. Loves it i do. I like going out and meeting new people as I usually break the old ones. Quite like spending money like it's going out of fashion - be it on drink, clothes, play doh etc. If you wanna know more then message me, i like messages. They are my friends....send me some....

Oooo and i love Rick and Steve - the happiest gay couple in the world. I insist that you watch it and then we can talk "axle grease" and "snap-on's"
If You Pay Me...

....i'll sit still for 10 minutes
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Comments 5 of 5 | post a comment | view all
parttimedevil wrote...  
hey stranger how's you?
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parttimedevil wrote...  
enjoy spending your money i'll be stuck in bluewater working which sucks got lots of pens and books to sell fun and games!!!!
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parttimedevil wrote...  
i want something completely different though grr i hate making choices!! lol x
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parttimedevil wrote...  
haven't got any messages left your hair idea sounds good i'm thinking cropped pretty short on one side then long on the other with a bit of a mohawk in the middle i dunno though i'm not very creative
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sadnsingle wrote...  
how much do u want??id give anythink 2 c u in a tutu!!!lol x x x
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16 photos
Favorite Things

Fairy cakes and jelly tots and pink things

Anything (not Cliff Richard)

TV Show
Spongebob, Kath and Kim, Family Guy

Reg McKay, Stephen King, Irvine Welsh

Weekend at Bernies, Natural Born Killers

Night Club / Bar
Ghetto, pool clubs, Wish

Piranha, boxers, staffies, cute kittens. Yum

Santa - every year without fail - he tha man

New Zealand, Amsterdam and Scotland

Oooo bed, laptop, psp, new phone


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