All these little teenage fucks who think they're the dogs fucking ballocks cos they can jump someone from behind and beat them down, what is their fucking problem?
I'm just glad the little bastards didn't have a fucking knife on them, but I'm gonna make fucking sure they regret it if I find out who they fucking were.
Fucking cunts I'm fucking raging.
From Now On... I will not give a fuck about what people say or do. Not wasting my time on revenge. That being said, if the opportunity of revenge were to arise...
soz i used all ma messages i fuckin h8 goths n emos n wteva else they wanna call there selves if was true i wud pay 4 all of them 2 get a flight out 2 switzerland jst so they wud b 1st 2 fuckin die grrrr they proper piss me off how they fink they r better than evry1 else