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»--»i dont §uffêr from in§åñity, i êñjoy êvêry miñutê of it«--«:P! NEW PICS FINALLY!!
Name: Natalie Lucas
Details: 35 years old (Gemini), Female, Single, Straight
Location: little town called leigh(dnt come its trampy), Lancashire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/feisty_blond_69
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me sarah and michelle
whos this?
In my own words

not really got much to say, not much of an interesting person, i just tend to float about to wherever my little legs take me! im studying law at edgehill uni n lovin it baby!!, but dont let that fool you, as im still lacking a bit in the common sense, should really learn my left and right, think that would be useful! quite worrying when my 2yr old neice knows the difference and i dont! ha! (only jokin, i sometimes know it)a bit more about me... im currently having pole dancing lessons and lovin it! im a bit strange (in a gud way! or so ive been told?) haha, im just me!!! truly love gettin p1ss3d with my sexy ladies and playing rock paper scissors with our legs.... and on that note i shall go wit a little bit of dignity still in tact!
Blog 4 posts | view all

hey having the best time of my life at uni, met my new best mate sarah! were completely crazy!! we tend to go out and rob signs and do stupid studenty things but we love it!!!! we have mad monday now so if anybody has got any ideas as to what we can do. mail me!!
My Best Day...

best week!! malia baby, god it was so funny, im sparticus, big screen little screen surround sound!! skinny dippin then gettin chased off naked by the police!! god i nearly died from laughin. just been newquay for weekend, seriously was crazy! jen our window wiper, n that crazy austrailian guy, then jamie kissing caravan wall haha!! truly have had a great time girls!! edgehill baby! livin the student life!! AVE IT!
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Comments 7 of 7 | post a comment | view all
cracktonacton wrote...  
Hey there gorgeous dont be shy msg me back ha maybe we could have a chat sometime get to know eachother a little better x
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rony_84 wrote...  
wow hunnie u r hot hot hot...
love to rate u hot aswell...
take care...mmuuhh...
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jayjaylfc81 wrote...  
Yours scores (all out 5): 3.5 for tits, 5 for arse, 5 for legs, 5 for face, 4.5 for personality. Total=23... multiplied by 4= 92/100.... equates to Champion's League. Well done Natalie, sterling effort. j x
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jayjaylfc81 wrote...  
I speak on behalf of all Galactico's when I say your presence in the Comfy will be missed... j x
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shelibobs123 wrote...  
fings in the world of sheli are fine ta hun!! you goin out for Kirstys bday on the 24th?? Just goin up Leigh...but dressin up as builders! shud be a laff! COME!!!
oh the stoooodent life eh...STELLAAA! mmmm
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shelibobs123 wrote...  
I think i love you!!!! wooohoooo!!!
xxxx Sheli!! xxxx
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shelibobs123 wrote...  
hyaaaa sexy bum!!!
we will have to go out sometime! REUNION!!
miss u! :(
xxx lv moi, the one n only Sheli Carroll! xxx
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uni baby
11 photos
Photos of me
18 photos
Favorite Things

salt and pepper ribs n big mac meals mmmm

indie stuff, artic monkeys, kooks!!

TV Show
legendary only fools n horses!!!

books??? ....never heard of them

schindlers list

Night Club / Bar
mosquitos in liverpool n the printworks in manc

unicorns! hmmm!!??

satine, my lil sweetie

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liverpool, great place! and malia!!!

my phone


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