In my own words Is this part where I have to put someting witty and funny?? Oh I read other girls profiles and they all start of with I never know what to put in this part and tend to end with Live life to the max How does one live life to the max?? Buy a get one free bargain in Tescos, is that living it to the max?? Oh and another thing why under fave food why does every bint put Roast dinners, Sweet jesus women be original. Whilst I'm on my soapbox why do women on here slag off blokes for A. Showing off there bods B. Moan how they don't want blokes to message them with there msn addy then complain they are single. Glad I'm not a bloke the women on here are fussy fuckers. One last thing before I finish women with names like hotbabygirl and Sexylegs for example are always munters.... why is that? mwah x
My Mum Says... Your adopted..always wondered why her and my dad are Black.