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Mwah x
Name: Fawntaine
Details: 37 years old (Gemini), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Inverness shire, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/fawntaine
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Sexiest girl in Jamaica
My face.. And my sis (she's on right)
Not just hot legs..
hot legs.. shame about the face
In my own words

I am a bit mental. Bit space cadet-ish most of the time, i love my wee car cause it's funky and unusual. (actually i don't love my car, it's a bag of bolts and it trys to kill me with it's fumes) My heads always up in the clouds. I love to dance! lets face it i could dance to the ice cream vans sweet sweet song. Dance away... Mwah x
pause for though
Some days you're the statue and some days you're the pigeon.
If you loan someone thirty quid and never see that person again-it was a bargain.
Don't whizz on the electric fence.
Lick my armpit.
Shit the bed.
Never buy a car you can't push.
My Funniest Moment...

Was when my big cuz drank a sambuka when it was still lite. I mean-it was lite, flames in the glass and he swallowed it... i near ended myself (bet it hurt) lol
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Comments 4 of 4 | post a comment | view all
hotsheep26 wrote...  
i will never hurt u.XXXX
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sheggs21 wrote...  
Gorgeous x
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mcradie wrote...  
wow, lol how r u like?? having a gd wknd?? wb xx
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sian717 wrote...  
Hey chickidee! how's it going :P Well good catching up again. see you monday. xx Look at all your lovely comments people have left woop woop. You know your stunning lol! Bye bye doll love other chickidee! xx
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Favorite Things

Mutton (don't see that very often these days lol)

Anything but preferably Dance

TV Show
Jeremy Kyle (he is a god)

stepthen king

The wedding singer (i love the song on the plane)

Night Club / Bar


My Man

Cuillen Hills Hotel, ilse of skye

My dog Daggit


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