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I wanna dance wid somebody!
Name: ChArLiE
Details: 38 years old (Leo), Female, Single, Open Minded
Location: my house, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/farlie18
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Chicken and Burger
Help my eyes to see the real me..
Let the sun shine on me..
In my own words

What do we write here? Do you go for the same old name, age and where we live?! An about me column leaves a space for someone to ignite something in the one reading this. Something interesting that grasps hold and makes them want to carry on reading, prity much the same as an amazing novel. What I write here is a different perspective than what you would get if you have ever met me and spoken to me in person! I live for my family and friends. These people have helped me when my reason for breathing was taken from me. Laughed with me when I thought a small smile was just a dream. Picked me up when the road I was traveling seemed to pull me down and then washed the dirt from my palms and dusted me off allowing me to continue my unknown journey. I don't know how to describe me best. How about: Short haired, entertaining, smiling music loving, family devoted individual with the most amazing people in my life. I'm one on my own with so many
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"And i dont want the world to see me, cos i dont think that they'd understand! When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am! And you cant find the tears that aint coming, Or the moment of truth in your lives. When everything feels like the movies.. you bleed just to know your alive"
My Best Day...

was when i first held my god daughter at jst 3hours old :)i cried for the first time in 4 years! (but shhh thats our secret :P dont want people thinking i'm soft lol)
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Favorite Things

oo has ti be a bbq-love em

ne thing with bass and a descent tune!

TV Show
ER, Bad Girls, little britain - yeah i know!

green mile, top gun, shawshank, butterfly effect

Night Club / Bar
home! dont have far to roll :)


nelson mandela and my MUM :)

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jo'berg, south africa - brith place

my CAR, family n friends MoBiLe


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