In my own words pOuR sUm SuGaR oN mE!!am jus me..a down 2 earth kinda gal..>>>wot u see is wot u get!!>>> lol! <<i love to party!!>> all i ask for is sex,drugs and sausage rolls!!!!>>><<< i love my girl thing since sliced bread!!! <<im keepin this 1!!>> oooohhhh yyyyeeeeaaaahhh! love ma dirrrttyy girrrll!! >>never been so happy!!<< cant beleive av still got her lol!! thats 10 months at the end of april...OMG!!!been a tough 10 months but been the best at the same time....i cant wait to say weev been 2gether a year..shes ma perfect wee u wanna grab a sick bag lol!!!! >>>$uCk tOo hArd oN yOuR LoLlIpOp...lOvEs oNlY gOnNa gEt yOu dOwN<<<!!!!
i think Jennifer is____. I met Jennifer ____. ____ reminds me of Jennifer. The best thing about Jennifer is____. The worst thing about Jennifer is____. I ____Jennifer. I would like to____Jennifer. If I had 1 minute to spend with Jennifer I would____.
And B Nice!!!! lol!!!!
My Funniest Moment... tHaT dAy mY tRoUsErS fElL dOwN fOr nO ReAsOn!!!
hey hey hey my interview went dead well il kno nex wk if iv got eh job! hahaha me n my m8s in the crow bar in paisley fir a laugh oan a pub crawl eh day lol hitin suburbia nex bn eh the last post n the academy n budda sa far lol hows u eh day n whit u upty? xx
Lol kl kl bud! N member u get a job :P lmfao! I filled oot anare 2 job aplication forms eh day man for eh airport n got is interview eh mora man the joys man eh x