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Name: b
Details: 35 years old (Gemini), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/fading_fate
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In my own words

Today i like Denver!!!!
Today i Dislike all things baked
Soft Drink Snobs
Im not sure if many people are aware of this rather stupid from of snobbery, but let me assure you, it does exist! These are people whole are simple morally opposed to drinking any soft drink that is not made by Coca Cola. Honestly, they wont even drink pepsi brands, its coke or nothing. Dont even mention Tesco branded Cola, they will rip your head straight off your shoulders in a matter of seconds, dont worry though, they wont drink your blood, unless its affiliated with Coca Cola.
My Worst Day...

was when me, Cheif Brody and Quint went out to sea to catch a shark that had eaten some local kids. We got drunk at night, but then the shark came and destroyed our boat the next day. Quint tried to stab it to death but the shark killed it, so Brody decided to throw a pressurised air tank into the sharks mouth and shoot it. killing the shark... me and Brody survived... was a bad day.

wait... that was Jaws
Comments 10 of 44 | post a comment | view all
smureykins wrote...  
Hey yea its was ok like nothing amazing!
you feeling any better?
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x_bangorgirl_x wrote...  
Tetris was my life until I rediscovered how excellent board games are! I made this discovery a few days ago, but Ive been trying to force people to play them ever since. Im quite sad..ahah.Oh&ing im finishing alevels&generally wasting my life atm
How about you?
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x_bangorgirl_x wrote...  
I am sipping as I type!
I know, Im raging.
An extra hour of the day does not make up for it to be honest.
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x_bangorgirl_x wrote...  
Haha I suppose, I always have a cup on the go!
How're you?
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x_bangorgirl_x wrote...  
Dan le sac, good choice!
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mckenzie66651 wrote...  
p.s ha ha old gregg!
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mckenzie66651 wrote...  
haha well i think i have a spare somewhere, perhaps you could take it off my hands as 1 is enough to look after the bar keys! and yes hunter s is a leg!
whats crackin man?
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kisez_n_hugzxox wrote...  
haha i know lol, i was offered cash for it back in the day!!
Yeaaa I miss mine too...still living it in someways though!!!
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kisez_n_hugzxox wrote...  
hahaha i even had a shiny charizard back in the day
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smureykins wrote...  
no way!whats it like down there?
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Rock, Metal

TV Show
HIMYM, Big Bang Theory, Dexter, Breaking Bad

Kevin Smith


Night Club / Bar
Laverys, The Garrick

Old Gregg

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