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I'm an arsehole :)
Name: facecf
Details: 35 years old (Aquarius), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Essex - Near Romford, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/facecf
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Getting ready for the beach!
In my own words

The first thing you should know is that I love being me and your approval isn't needed. Although feel very free to approve, I like people that like me =)

I like going to clubs or parties and getting drunk and talking to every random person that looks interesting. I can come across as arrogant but I'm not, I'm just confident and like having a laugh. I like traveling and adventures, you will NEVER hear me say no to a crazy adventure or rarely even to a night out...unless your a hot girl and the alternative is we stay home and do naughty things. I mostly indulge my every whim, if I want to do something then I'll do it with or without permission...maybe that's why you'd have to be mad to want to go out with me!

If you're crazy enough to wanna talk to me drop me a message and maybe we'll get along x
If You Pay Me...

I will repay you with witty banter, hot animal sex, a swift kick to the spine or a combination of all 3. Whatever turns you on
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Comments 10 of 18 | post a comment | view all
therealangel wrote...  
jesus christ ricky we have known each other forever!! x
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therealangel wrote...  
i <3 youuu :)
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x_xsxcsarahx_x wrote...  
have i really? actually i used my messages up sending one to you, and some of them to my cousin coz he is on here and he is having a hrd time atm. I'm sorry. x
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x_xsxcsarahx_x wrote...  
hay i have run out of messages but yeah its going good thanks. How are you? x
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therealangel wrote...  
I don't use drugs.
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catrinaa wrote...  
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catrinaa wrote...  
Yeah Santa got me a lovely shiny new phone :D
What did he get you?
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catrinaa wrote...  
you sound really cool :D not like most creeeeps on here.
cha doin on your bank holiday mister?
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newcastledoorman wrote...  
hello there,,just passing by to say hi...
hugs and kisses --SAM
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mizzpinkygirl17 wrote...  
swift kick to the spine bit harsh huni :D wuda given ya the money lol...
read ya profile u seem a fun person to b around :D
i go clubbin up romford alot
so if ya fancy a chat n that lemme know xx
(looking good btw ;) )
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Favorite Things

Nandos, Pizza hut, and my nans chicken casserole!

RnB, Garage, Hip Hop, House, some rock

TV Show
Only Fools and Horses, Family Guy, Football

R. Feist, Tucker Max, JK Rowling - Yes I can read

Funny films or 1s that make you think

Night Club / Bar
Oceana, Bentleys

White tiger

I dunno...Me =)

So far Tenerife - more traveling to do yet!


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