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Name: becky
Details: 34 years old, Female, In Relationship, Open Minded
Location: Nuneaton, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/everlastinghate
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Nny and me :-)
In my own words

Im pretty blunt with ppl...
I swear alot..
I love tattoos....
I drink to much red bull...
I talk a lot of crap...
I <3s Nny...
I love all my friends....
I take nothing seriously....
Im always happy and smiling...

Dont bother talking to me if ur a dirty perv thats just after sex..or some sad loser wanting to get off over web cam...i am not interested so dont waste my time!!
If I was a Millionaire...

I would be very happy...i would move to London...buy a big house and a dog...maybe some snakes....lol....move all my friends with me and just live life to the full with the people i love :-D
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Comments 10 of 33 | post a comment | view all
xautumn_ashesx wrote...  
haha probably hit a ban of sorts, most the stuff in the 90's should be illegal now like blue smarties! though they are back! hmmm soooo hows the weekend been on thewhole? =]xx
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xautumn_ashesx wrote...  
Hehe well of course how silly of me =] forgot boyfriends and wives were the same! eeeep ... awww bless last time i went round they were all swimming n diving n being awesome like that! im sure your cooool more than freakish ... fore sure =D hehe ummmm its going alright bit up and down but all is hunky monkies! sooo whats the coolest lunchbox you had as a kid and the thing you miss most about the nineties xx
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xautumn_ashesx wrote...  
Hehe with the wife? i am all uber confused now lol aww the zoo is awesome! though I just love going because of the giraffes and penguins they are my world <3
Hehe well i went around my mates yesterday and we played poker and i poked around town a bit today, i like being lazy it makes the weekend last longer! soooo telll me something uber and amazing about yew? xxx
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xautumn_ashesx wrote...  
hey hey im greeeeat =] umm just bumming around and seeing my grand daddy as he is in hospital. So travelling home lots, how about yew any funky fun adventures planned? xxx
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xautumn_ashesx wrote...  
hey hey, how are there and how are things going? Pretty sure I scored no originality points for that one but there ya go! thought I would drop a message as I passed by, but give me a poke back if yew wanna chat. Peace <3x
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sugarandspicegirl wrote...  
hey there its sarah, u got a nice profilee.. would be nice talking to ya.. drop me ur msn addyy or watever u use to chat.. xoxoxo
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degausser wrote...  
I saw Dan In Real Life this week, I'd recommend it x
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degausser wrote...  
Have you seen the trailer? It looks very, very good. There's quite a few decent movies on in the next few weeks or so. x
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degausser wrote...  
Tim Burton is awesome. My missus is pretty excited about it so I'll probably take her next weekend. x
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degausser wrote...  
Aw, I planned on seeing that this week! Sweeney Todd is out next week, that will be IMMENSE. x
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Favorite Things


Atreyu...cannibal corpse...a perfect circle...

TV Show
Invader Zim...Sponge bob...Jonny bravo :-D

Stephen King

American history x...devils rejects..waynes world

Night Club / Bar
The crew...

Rolo..my doggy

All my friends...

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My bedroom :-D

My mobile...cant go with out it! Lol


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