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Why are all the fit ones straight??
Name: mark pattison
Details: 44 years old (Libra), Male, Single, Gay
Location: West London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/eternal1978
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Chilling in Africa...
In my own words

Hmm - what to say? I hate it when people write huge manifesto's on these things about how honest and sincere they are etc etc - nobody's gonna write 'Hi! I'm a twat - message me!' I've gone off on a tangent now, but all I'll say is that I'm a pretty normal, fairly shy, easy-going guy who likes meeting new people.

Despite DJing every week, I'm not particularly sceney, so this is a good way of meeting new people.
If I was a Millionaire...

I'd spend my whole life holidaying...
Comments 6 of 6 | post a comment | view all
5pav wrote...  
thanks alot mate, likewise, your hot stuff!! hope your well
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animagus wrote...  
Run out of messages..oops!
Just reading your profile..woohoo for ANTM! Hope you've seen the last one of cycle 10! It's on youtube ya know..
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ant-2006 wrote...  
oi oi sexy;-0
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samprice wrote...  
you are very very hott.... hitt me up if ure interested x
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madhan_18 wrote...  
so sweet guy.... hold me.... hug me.... kiss me.... nice, really my type of guy.... brownies.... manis banget deh pokoknya
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demonjcat wrote...  
you are stunning,there is a god!!!x
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Roast lamb/Indian/Burgers/Chips

Sia/Siobhan Donaghy/Janet/Roisin

TV Show
Lost/Next Top Model

Jodi Picoult/Michelle Paver/Dan Brown

Cloverfield/Wolf Creek/Titanic/Volver

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Ghetto/Trash Palace/Profile


My lovely mother.

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