|  Name: | eMmA m | |  | Details: | 34 years old (Virgo), Female, Single, Straight |  | Location: | p.A.R.K.S.I.T.E (newcastle under lyme), Staffordshire, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/emz9988 |
  In my own words
 wElL iM jUsT uR aVeRaGe FeMaLe StUdEnT uP 4 a LiFe Of LaUgHs,Me M8z ThNk Am A lAdEtTe Cz A lOvE dRiNkIn N aViN a Gd TyM.hAhA.lOvE aNgIn WiV mE dUdErOoNiEs Up HaNlEy N cAsTlE aViN gD tYm GeTtIn BlOtOdE...If Ya WaNnA nO nEtHn ElSe DuDeS jUsT aSk.Yh?... |
 Blog | |  |  |  | cOmMeNt
|  | CoMmEnT oN mE pRoFiLe PeEpZ pLz Al LuFf U 4EvA...nUfF lOvE..xx |
 My Funniest Moment...
 In ZeNn LeE dEcIdEd TrIp Me Up On ThE dAnCeFlOoR iN aLl ThE fOaM oNlY e CaMe DoWn WiV mE tHt NyT wAs So MiNt LoL!! N hEnNa ShE mE bItCh MeMbA cHuCkY oMfG wHa A lEdGe E wAs N mEmBa PhIl N lEe In FaNnY bAr OmG tHa WaS cLaSs N wEn U gOt DuN 4 dAnCiN iN tHeR.. pIsSa.. lUv OuR mAd NyTs OuT.. |
|  |   Favorite Things Food sAlAdS, pAsTa, RiCe Music dAnCe AnD rNb TV Show nEtHn AsLoNg As ItS gOoD! Movie aNy LoL Night Club / Bar aNyWhEr WiV bEeR!!! Animals StAfFiEs Person mE dUdErOoNiEs Cz AiNt GoT 1... Place tHa PuB wIv Me DuDeRoOnIeS Possession/Thing cAr, FoNe, N mE dUdErOoNiEs |
 Details Last logged onCool Tools™ only Advanced statsCool Tools™ only |
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