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This Is Me.... Deal With It
Name: K-lei
Details: 35 years old (Scorpio), Female, Single, Straight
Location: mansfield, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/emo_drama_bitch
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Tryin To Look Smart
In my own words

Kizza. 21. Mansfield I'm a very confident person in my own regard. This is not arrogence but I do feel my personality is a creative infectious one. I love to sing dance and act, i love what it involves and the people that create the songs to sing, the music to dance to and the scenes to act. Attraction? Isnt about how hot you are or think you are. Its about being able to engage my personality on a different level. You dont have to have that much in common with me, you just need to be able to strike an interesting and challenging conversation. What makes my mind wander: Music, plays, creativity, intelligence, singing, writing songs and poetry, creating my own ideas, a strong sense of mortality, confidence and dominant.
My Dream Date...

would have to be, not a place or an event, but just to shut ourselves away and make the most of the time we have with each other. talk, hug, kiss, get to know each other and become completely comfortable with each other and who we are.
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Comments 10 of 37 | post a comment | view all
i_see_girls wrote...  
Im good thanks buddy, my day is gay thus far, worked and i was mentally busy then went to the gym a normal 5 minute drive took me 30 minutes today ugh! then the gym was full of posers, losers. but anyway, how about you? exciting day?x
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fizzykenny wrote...  
Aw poor you!
Sure its [email protected]
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fizzykenny wrote...  
Hiya, im ok.
Up to absolutely bugger all, feeling a bit crap so Im still in bed!
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tigercubmax wrote...  
haya, u ok sexi
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jay04b wrote...  
I'm doing good thanks, you?
I did have a Fender but just recently got a Les Paul Gibson =D awesome thing!
I've not been upto much, just going out tonight, you?
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y2curl wrote...  
Hehe thanks :) Holy crap i didn't realise i was up that late. I was probably doing the required drunken facebook update after a night out lol. How're you? x x
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jeebis06 wrote...  
I would beau but I'm actually doing sound at a gig so can't leave haha or go on msn [email protected] if you wanna speak later,i can chat on here though x
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jeebis06 wrote...  
I'm swell, you? X
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s3x3h wrote...  
yee wassup dude, hows tricks?
Your names a bit RAAWR in yo face! lolol :D
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_thegreatbelow_ wrote...  
ooh ooh hallo! Hows you yeah! I did have a job myself but they laid me off for 2 months so I'm looking fo new one desperate! Just so I canmeet new young peeps!
Garden centres attract old ladies! :P
Wha you game on then?! Xbox? Wii?
Can add me if you [email protected]
I won't be on tonight however cos its getting late and I shal sleep soon hopefully haha :P x
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Favorite Things

spag bol

rock, punk, emo, screamo, glamrock, ska

TV Show
scrubs, sunday nite project, black books.buzcocks

Eve Ensler, Stan Lee, Tim Kring

anythin with johnny depp in

Night Club / Bar
Rock City.... when i have the money to go


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