In my own words where to begin... im a complete loon when it comes to avin fun, when im not away workin im out on the bedazzle as theres always a way to make sutn more interstin & fun, and 9 times out of 10 i find it (if not my mates will n i'll jus steal it ;) lol)
Watchin out for Family n friends has become a full time job as they mean the world to me and theres always sutn crazy or new happenin.
I absolutely love eatin anythin (apart from tomatoes and big onions), i'd even eat a poop if it was cooked properly! ha ha only playin. Im into anythin that raises my adrenaline, and makes me laugh.
Next year hope to be livin in spain... watch this space 'hola'
In A Perfect World... Sticky Toffee puddin would be healthy :)