In my own words u can find me on msn on: [email protected] just got these pics on. they are old but will have some new ones soon. feel free to contact me at any time. unless you are just pissing me off by annoying me. then u can fuck off and get a life. bye for now. and why is this site just populated by dick heads with steroid problems, small dicks and smaller minds??? and most of the girls seem to be prostitutes from the far east or after u to text them 4 vids, whats that all about?? only contact me if ur a genuine decent boy or girl. xxx wbxxxx mwah
ok topic of the week is: celebrity rehab why on earth do half of these people go to rehab? well its for recognition. ok the likes of robbie williams and pete docherty needed to go. but jesse metcalf. a four day bender. i have gone 4 weeks solid. i am fine, grow up u annoy me. just say u r young and good looking and u will get away with it. u dont need rehab u need to go out some more lol. kate moss: u gave up coke in rehab. welldone but wat r u doing now u look terrible r u on crack?
This Week's Plan... to party and drink loads and enjoy the sun... plus go to rehab lol or to mallorca. plus keep learning spanish. espania a estupendo.