Name: | angeldust | | | Details: | 42 years old (Capricorn), Female, In Relationship, Lesbian | | Location: | hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom | | Profile Link: | |
In my own words
Im FuN rAnDoM lIkE hAvInG a LaUgH dOnT tAkE tHiNgS tO sErIoUsLy HaTe iNtErNeT bUlLiEs!!! So i gIvE As GoOd As I gEt! LoVe iT wHeN OlD PeOpLe sWeAr So RaNdOm AnD uNexPeCtEd! HaVe u EvEr ThOuGht TWO fOr OnE iS ThE SaMe aS bUy oNe gEt OnE fReE?? fEeL fReE tO cOnTaCt Me UnLeSs Ur a pErV oR tYpIcAl BlOkE! i DoNt cAm EiVa So dOnT aSk CoS U ReAlLy wOnT GeT!!!! |
In A Perfect World...
Id bE BaCk hOmE In aUsTrAlIa oN THe bEaCh WiTh My GiRfRiEnD bEeR iN oNe hAnD ANd HeR iN tHe OtHeR!! |