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If ur not living life on the edge, then ur taking up too much room
Name: Luke kevin moore
Details: 37 years old, Male, Single, Straight
Location: London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/dreamboy23
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my pool
my kitchen
the bathroom
my car
In my own words

What the hell has happened to this site? I used to love faceparty. Now its full of fakes, cam whores, weirdo's, knob jockeys and chavs. I kinda feel out of place. Do you?
Yes I have photos of my house up. Let me point out it was my uncles house and I inherited it, I have just managed to maintain it, something I'm proud of. I am now in the property industry. Anyway if it's not ur cup of tea that's fine but if you choose to give me abuse about it, it really won't affect me in any way so save the cheap shots for yourself .
Also whats with the random messages from the guys? Yes i have my top off in a pic, yes i have a smooth chest but lads, i was brought up to believe in adam and eve, not adam and steve. Every one to their own but please save ur offers of sexual favours to those of ur own kind. Ladies of any kind feel free to message me lol
From Now On...

Its all about living life to the full. I have learned that too many people are out for what they can get and will only use you until they don't need you anymore. Its all about makin sure that life is enjoyed with no regrets and if you have a bad experience then just learn from it. Life is short. Its a game and challenges will always be thrown at us. Many people will walk in and out ur life but only the true ones will leave footprints in ur heart. Live ur life, dont just
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Comments 10 of 13 | post a comment | view all
xcheekyrincessx wrote...  
adam and steve lmao dear me. find me on fb x
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dipzy-chick wrote...  
u look amazing.
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lisalopez06 wrote...  
what a genuine honest profile...yes unlike many others i did read it....firefighting is a very rewarding job...looking at you i think being a bodyguard would also be good for you...you have the shape and defo the attitude...i wish you luck sweety....xx
ps...beautiful home...x
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blondie805131043 wrote...  
im cool thanks hows u? x
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sexystephspies wrote...  
u on msn sexy?x
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x_talula_x wrote...  
Yea of course u can :) addys on my profile
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x-lil_mish-emiily-x wrote...  
Aww thanks.
Yeah why not
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lozzas3xy wrote...  
ur hot babe xx
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baby-n wrote...  
course i fancy a chat, whats your msn babe? haha you a millionaire? i'm a gold digger :P
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xxmelxx123 wrote...  
thanks hun not bad ya self x
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my new home
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Favorite Things

put it infront of me and i will eat it

garage, RnB, club tunes

TV Show
jackass, gavin and stacey, inbetweeners, cribs

porn films, they are educational

Night Club / Bar
any with good music and gorgeous women

i am the wild one..beware

my bed

my mojo


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