|  Name: | samantha | |  | Details: | 38 years old (Aquarius), Female, In Relationship, Straight |  | Location: | shankill rd !! ((belfast)), Northern Ireland, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/do_i_care_if_u_h8_me |
  In my own words
 every gurl wants *..prince charming..* and while he may be nice and all... i [ w A n N a ] guy who will come up from » behind « & put his arms (( aRoUnD )) me and [ * whIspEr * ] in my ear that he ».» LoVeS mE «.« & he ( ( lAyS aWaKe ) ) at night, just * T. h. I. n. K. i. N. g. * about me a guy who'll [[ CaLl ]] at like.. ¤ 3 a.M. ¤ just to « TeLl mE » h0w much he .|. mISsEs me .|. he'd come over just ..aFtEr.. we get oFf: the P h O n E ... because he wants *2* know how i'm [ R. .e. .A. .l. .L. .y ] doing.. because i .-.said.-. i was » fInE « but we b0tH know i was l Y i N g he'd {.. kIsS ..} me on my forehead *N* tell me ::eVeRyThInGs:: gunna be [[ A. l. R. .i. .G. .h. .T ]] He may not be *.prince charming.* to [ a n y o n e * e l s e ] but in my ((eyes)).. he'd fit the part |
 Blog | 4 posts | view all |  |  |  | untitled
|  | somtimes u just gotta run away so u cn c hu will come after u somtimes u gotta tlk quieter jus to c hu's listening somtimes u just gotta step up in a fight bt onli to c hu's standing by ur side somtimes u jus gotta make a wrong decision onli 2 c hu's there 2 help u fix it and somtimes u gotta let go of the 1 u love jus 2 c if they will come bk
--- LIFE ---is____`too [ S][H][O][R][T ] to be____` - OOCCUUPPPIIEEEDDD - by[ people`z < < < so::caLLed:: [*..J U D G E M E N T S. |
 My Best Day...
 da 28th july - da day i found out i woz preg =D |
  Comments | 6 of 6 | post a comment | view all |  |  |  | |  |  |  | |  | njackets wrote... | |  | hiya babe,nice profile n loven yr pics.! u stuck in tnit then aswell i see!? I used 2 b based over in N.Ireland,miss it over there,n yr accents! Last time I went down the Shankhill road I was in a armourd vehicle! ppl round there r sound tho,go round the corner n up the road kids would b bricking us Ha.! .x |  |  |  | send message |
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|  |   Favorite Things Food cheese , ham n broccolli pasta ... mmmm Music hmmmm .. ne hing i can shake ma ass ta ... TV Show family guy rox ... buh dont watch dat much tv ... Author cecilia ahern =D Movie stand by me,armagedon or pearl harbour best eva Night Club / Bar da coach in banbridge.. =D Animals lion ... =D Person bee =D an marty pantz =D Website Click here to view Place our bed =D Possession/Thing nakedness =D embrace da nakedness lol |
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